thoughts bank

16/08, 12:32pm

Maybe I don't need to do this alone.

Maybe I could start a group/team & go from there?

Would they be interested? They're probably working?

Maybe I'll say that it's a 'hobby' for starters - creating pictures, making art...

And where do we meet up and work?

Do we need money? Yikes.

What's my intention? What do I want out of this?




- "I'm going to do what I like/pursue my interests" instead of having the mindset of "I need a job... I'm looking for a job."

What would happen if we frame our career journey like this way?


18/08/17, 1:11pm

A lot of things are running and clashing in my mind at the moment. I want to be clear and wise about what tasks and people I want my focus to be on.

This week, I told myself that I am taking a small breather from going out to events, meeting up with people...

The elderly man(Tony) who I am working with about climate change & humanitarian design is overseas... which means I can focus my attention on:

1. production/art director volunteering
2. career researching/planning/prototyping (this blog & my soon to be published Facebook channels about my 'architectural worldview' and a learning platform about the 'architecture career.'
3. writing submissions - climate change, cultural/interfaith...

Hmm, that makes me feel a little bit better after writing this. Although, I feel all three are equally important, I don't want them to clash and create tensions!

Ah balance,... how do full-time people do 'work-life-balance?' Haha what is your secret? I am not working but I am feeling a bit worn out (mentally in particular).

18/08/17, 5:45pm

I want to write, read, research, make art (narrate, curate, draw/sketch) and experiment (conceptual) about architecture...

19/08/17, 7:27pm

This year in particular after graduating, like many graduates, Ic ontemplated about my personal life & my architectural education. Gradually, through meeting people and inspired by the many books and articles about the world/sustainability I read, I began to have a mindset that incorporated values of terms like:
- linkages
- system
- inter-
- multi-

I guess I found out how I 'thought/think.' I think by having a critical framework of the 'interconnectedness' of everything. Imagine how 'deep' something/someone is by reflecting and researching about their/that experiences, encounters, relations/connections etc. Isn't that what life is about?

Seeking the 'interdisciplinarity' (may have spelt wrong) of everything in reality?

19/08, 7:52pm

Data... information systems...
Mother board & its wires connecting to its main source
Is this what research is?
What is the 'mother' in the case of architectural research?

25/08, 11:04am

People need to hear more about the 'ever-changing, progressing, multi-' notions of the work field. I was talking to my friend last night and she has not heard of the career strategy called informational interviewing.

I sometimes forget that I'm in my own bubble of seeking knowledge when I also can: share, distribute and collaborate with the knowledge. But how...?

I am inspired by people sharing their 'innovative' ideas on new ways of thinking and doing work. Maybe I can give a TED talk one day... I want to inspire and help others in their career adventure too.

25/08, 3:02pm

I am thinking of changing my facebook platform's name (an extension to this blog) to have the Vietnamese 'lien.'

'Lien' means 'inter-' in English.

I originally had it as Inter Architecture.

Lien Architecture?
Arch Lien?


Lieninter Architect?

Inter-Lien Architecture?



Which one looks good?


I'll set up a poll on facebook.

^28/08 - only facebook 'groups' can create polls :(



I watched a video and it influenced me to be more intentional and selective in what I do. i.e this blog/project.

I am writing this as a non-professional. I am recording my experiences, readings and events I have been to/talked to that has inspired me on my walk out of university.

I want to be more clearer about the people/client/audience that this blog serves to.

Therefore, this blog would most benefit STUDENTS/GRADUATES and even practicing architects who want to explore other non-traditional architectural interests/paths/interdisicplinary branches.

I hope I can write more 'intentional' posts with this audience in my mind.

Please remind me to be more specific!


30/08, 12:06pm

Had a conversation with a girl I met at a fitness class. She was a 'people' person from my observation. She asked specific/short-type questions that forced me to be blunt, straight to the point and honest.

I told her that after finishing high school, I wanted to do either art or science.

Architecture gave me a different set of skills and not the 'intuitive,' 'freeing' aspect of art I realised that I wanted...


I am still hanging onto my architectural education as a lesson, a tool, an understanding of everything - it's part of who I am and my worldview.

The question that I unconsciously try to solve when I'm a designer or communicating with people is this:

"How can I be free to express myself (art) and apply reality (principles, knowledge, codes, social aspects) to my work?

Is there a middle I can draw out?

The 'balance' - the 'in between.' Two selves? Two identities? One subjective, one objective side...

Can I be an artist and an architect?


30/08, 3:19pm

I can be a 'thinker'
- architectural thinker?
- social thinker?
- interdisciplinary thinker?
- thinker, philosopher in...

30/08, 3:25pm

music as 'patterns'
- beat drops...
- new addition of an instrument...
- voice telling the story...

30/08, 6:19pm

Architecture + transcdisiplinary
- actors(jim carrey), journalists/news reporters, celebrities

06/09, 2:49pm
My mind keeps critiquing stuff - people, our human nature, what we lacking, what we're unaware of... maybe I should be an author who publishes 'self-help' books on these related topics - how we work, how we think...?

Strange about our narrative of 'work.' Why does work need to be paid/involve money?

Work could be meeting with someone - thinking, analysing...

In that case, I am working...

I want to help 21st century 'think' about our social concept of work.



Gene Bellinger, an American 'systems thinker,' sent me a reading on the principles of 'Systems Thinking.'

I am stunned, amazed, surprised that this is another 'epiphany' moment in myself and my work/philosophy views and perspectives.

I have been thinking with 'models' of interconnected things, words, ideas, themes, social patterns & SYSTEMS....

I will touch base on a post about this methodology in how we can view ourself & our world...



- My view on architecture has radically changed. I am using my experience to understand architecture and 'explaining' it and working with it in a new, perhaps in a 'progressive' way... 'millennial' style.



i've been reading a lot about the relationship of the brain, science and religion. Should I look more into neuro-architecture?



- social architects - community, participatory design, altruism, philanthropy, social enterprise, community engagement & education, local sustainability

04/12, 6:40pm

- i just had a small panic attack. i'm 23 and have yet to secure a 'paid' job. i hung out with my friend today i constantly heard about her work.
- i had to tell myself (my mind) that it's okay to not earn money yet? i am receiving allowance from centrelink (thank goodness - grateful to live in a place like Australia), however i am always reverting back to the notion that i am unfinancially insecure - when will i start saving up money for the unknown future (economic challenges of the future?!)
- i am on Centrelink's 'work for the dole' in a couple of months if i don't get part-time work...
- do i continue to endeavour in my personal pursuits of community/social activities and internships that relate to my interests - enviro/climate change, cultural/social engagement & cohesion.

i hope i feel less scared in 2018. i just want to know that it is okay to still be on Centrelink. I want to be reassured that if I continue with exploring options with unpaid work, I might get paid work somehow... #youngadultpressures

05/12, 8:55pm

- i can't go out and work 'professionally' when i still am not settled with 'personal' identity.
- how can i merge my personal life, spiritual life and career life together? is that even possible? or do you need to sacrifice one or two out?
- That would be perfect - a career with spiritual, personal & professional values...

19/12, 11:17pm
2018 is creeping in. i just applied for a traineeship on communications work to do with climate change. if i am not successful, i am thinking of my PLAN B:
- a mixture of making new networking card/business card (really good one!), info interviews, ask to job shadow (less frightening then asking them for work)...

^ doing all the above while making some money with a casual job?


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