
Selective post for you all...

Taking an alternative route to architecture...

G'day & Chao (hello in Vietnamese), I'm so excited to share you my story of my career endeavours in 2017 so far... I suggest you start reading about my purpose of this blog here ... Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Julianne. I graduated early this year(2017) and am finding the 'graduate' experience challenging... One part of writing this blog was to keep me accountable of my 'doings.' I hope I can encourage and help you and others get a foot in the door in the architecture profession. Don't worry, me too - I think I have heard enough of "Get a job already!" or "You graduated already, have you found work yet?" and of course the buzzword question: "Are you working?" So this is my story - a different story. You can say that I'm 'ripe' from graduating. I am reflecting on my university experience, reconnecting those with the dots of the present experiences and trying to imagine what I can do for the...

Update on my personal + professional VALUES

Dear world, I just came across someone who does work in fields of media, 'faith' and politics and makes me wonder HOW I can present/introduce/describe my work with faith/cultural values and principles. This wasn't a planned post. I felt like I had to write it. I hope if I do forget or waver in my life journey, I can see this post in my blog & try and INTEGRATE my personal values with my professional career. This is tricky though. My volunteering endeavors have touched me personally. What does professionalism mean? Can I be a professional by being myself and incorporate personal values like faith & culture...? How do I present this to my 'pitch/brand/BIO?' I admit that I am a little afraid as I am DIFFERENT. Why does this sound paradoxical? One needs to be different in a WORK world but my experiences have been mainly spiritual/faith encounters with people, ideas and philosophies that form the foundations of my environmental and sustainable views o...

Designers/architects as local community leaders

G'day & Chao. Greetings, I don't know why but the thought of 'blogging' or 'writing' on this platform was not on my mind lately. II've been going out in life in different branches and have not kept in mind about the 'reflection' process... I wanted to talk about my current involvement with a young adult committee group in my local community, Brimbank Youth Ambassadors ( BYA). Now, just coming out of university with a worldview revolving around design and the built environment, I was flabbergasted with the notion of the authority of ' young adults & the community. ' In architecture school, I was told that we could be 'designers' or 'architects' who have the power of designing spaces for society to use/inhabit. BYA brought be a new perspective - a perspective that any young adult can be a 'designer' (beyond designing spaces) - a collaborative and interdisciplinary voice to make community better, thus impr...

'ky niem' or 'experiences' in your life i.e career

"I'm doing work experience..." "Work experience... paid?" "No. But I feel like it's a job." "No. I mean paid work. Are you going to look for a job." ^ This was a conversation on the train home from work today with my old high school friend. Can you read the 'tone' of the conversation? On the exterior, I was trying to maintain a 'composed' demeanour but inside I was frustrated. Why does this world care about money PLUS job. Can we work for free? Are we 'secure' when we work WITH money?! (I have been volunteering and I find its work quite fulfilling and satisfying without 'tangible' rewards of a man-made system). Okay so I may be over-dramatic and missing out on some main points like: - You need money to pay back to the things you 'owe' the bank, council, services you use... - You need to 'save' up money so I can use the money for 'something...' - You need money b...

Dear Millennials: Do we have rights as an 'intern' or 'volunteer?'

G'day and Chao (hello in Vietnamese), If I hear my parents talk about 'work' (direct translation in Vietnamese - di lam ) again, I will get very frustrated. It didn't dawn on me that the topic of 'work/employment' is every-changing but also stubborn in my opinion. Hmm, I'm not sure if it is the way society is run, or the rules of the state or federal government but us millennials (I am speaking on many of them on behalf) have found the 'post-stage' of graduating tough. I have finished now and feel for those in those institutions - Gen. Y's with questions about whether the education is really needed... whether they need to study further or study something else.... For me, I think the right to get rid of the HECS-HELP loan was a good idea - for us to treat education importantly. Okay, so it was a loan... my mum paid a portion to help lessen the debt. I didn't feel the burden of paying off the debt. I am still on Centrelink and mone...

Career update after six month post-graduate period

G'day & Chao (hello in Vietnamese), It has been a while since I last updated (goodness, I realised I have an array of pages/blogs that I write on and I leave this site out). It is early October - happy new month to you! I hope your endeavours and goals for this month are exciting like mine (or not, everyone's experiences are different 😀). I just got back from a short trip overseas and I have already ventured on a new beginning or should I say a new 'prototype...' The timing of this work is interesting... Funny how things get lined up... or other events obstruct your vision/goal/aim... Short story: I attended an 'environmental' event run by my local council near my house. It was 'sustainability-related' and I wanted to go to learn about what the council talks about in terms of 'sustainability' and I intended to meet the Brimbank team to discuss volunteering opportunities. I emailed one of the environmental officers and she refer...

'Hamburger' interdisciplinary thinking

25/08, 11:53am I just thought about a 'hamburger.' (This is my favourite food by the way, how about you?) Okay back to the subject of the post. I want to portray what I mean by ' interdisciplinary .' I like hamburgers because it tastes great. Why? Because when all of the 'elements' are placed together , with the combined  different spices and flavours, it tastes 'whole' and of course delicious! So I'm trying to be 'syncretic ' with various fields, disciplines, skills that can be attributed to an 'architect.' I aim to relate to an architect that has many, diverse, skills, disciplines and knowledge to create an 'all-rounded' burger with different elements to help create new and deep solutions to the ever-changing and interconnected society and even world. Does that makes sense? ^ first draft

Listen to this thought:

Breathe in. Breathe out. I just had a thought. A thought that was reassuring. I hope it is a good reminder for you too. It takes time . Do what you can. Make use of what you have. Jump at opportunities. Try and not overwhelm yourself with too many 'doings.' Pick a couple and do it well. I want to try this... I want to go overseas and travel to do this... I want to buy this... Again: breathe in... pause. and breathe out. Remember to rest too. That's what I need - a good sleep. Have a productive week + make room for yourself to breathe and laugh,