Taking an alternative route to architecture...
G'day & Chao (hello in Vietnamese), I'm so excited to share you my story of my career endeavours in 2017 so far... I suggest you start reading about my purpose of this blog here ... Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Julianne. I graduated early this year(2017) and am finding the 'graduate' experience challenging... One part of writing this blog was to keep me accountable of my 'doings.' I hope I can encourage and help you and others get a foot in the door in the architecture profession. Don't worry, me too - I think I have heard enough of "Get a job already!" or "You graduated already, have you found work yet?" and of course the buzzword question: "Are you working?" So this is my story - a different story. You can say that I'm 'ripe' from graduating. I am reflecting on my university experience, reconnecting those with the dots of the present experiences and trying to imagine what I can do for the...