
Showing posts from October, 2017

Dear Millennials: Do we have rights as an 'intern' or 'volunteer?'

G'day and Chao (hello in Vietnamese), If I hear my parents talk about 'work' (direct translation in Vietnamese - di lam ) again, I will get very frustrated. It didn't dawn on me that the topic of 'work/employment' is every-changing but also stubborn in my opinion. Hmm, I'm not sure if it is the way society is run, or the rules of the state or federal government but us millennials (I am speaking on many of them on behalf) have found the 'post-stage' of graduating tough. I have finished now and feel for those in those institutions - Gen. Y's with questions about whether the education is really needed... whether they need to study further or study something else.... For me, I think the right to get rid of the HECS-HELP loan was a good idea - for us to treat education importantly. Okay, so it was a loan... my mum paid a portion to help lessen the debt. I didn't feel the burden of paying off the debt. I am still on Centrelink and mone...

Career update after six month post-graduate period

G'day & Chao (hello in Vietnamese), It has been a while since I last updated (goodness, I realised I have an array of pages/blogs that I write on and I leave this site out). It is early October - happy new month to you! I hope your endeavours and goals for this month are exciting like mine (or not, everyone's experiences are different 😀). I just got back from a short trip overseas and I have already ventured on a new beginning or should I say a new 'prototype...' The timing of this work is interesting... Funny how things get lined up... or other events obstruct your vision/goal/aim... Short story: I attended an 'environmental' event run by my local council near my house. It was 'sustainability-related' and I wanted to go to learn about what the council talks about in terms of 'sustainability' and I intended to meet the Brimbank team to discuss volunteering opportunities. I emailed one of the environmental officers and she refer...